Monday 29 August 2016

Day first, a lecture who teaching me Computer Application are Miss Wan.She make me feel that she is not like others lecture,she is very friendly and she always keep a good smile on her mouth,anywhere i like her very much.Today she teach us first topic which is " The Basic Introduction Of Computers ".I have learned output and Input of computer.For example (Input) : An input device can send data to another device, but it cannot receive data from another device. Examples of an input device include a computer keyboard and mouse, which can send data (input) to the computer, but they cannot receive or reproduce information (output) from the computer.For example (Output): output device can receive data from another device, but it cannot send data to another device. Examples of an output device include a computer monitorprojector, andspeakers, which can receive data (output) from the computer, but they cannot send information (input) to the computer. I also learned about advantages and disadvantages of using computer.For advantages :speed,reliability,consisttency,storage and communication.For disadvantages: health risks,violation of privacy,public safety,impact on labor force and also impact of environment.At last I also learn about Network and Internet.